“My enthusiasm for IFS is second only to my enthusiasm for the Inner Healer and the non-directive approach. I think it is more powerful to do a non-directive approach and have IFS skills ready.” ~ Michael Mithoefer, MD

22-Hour Comprehensive IFS Introduction for Psychedelic Facilitators
2025 Dates:
- January 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th
- April 25th, 26th, May 2nd, and 3rd
- September 19th, 20th, 26th, and 27th
Come learn the Basics of IFS* to apply in your psychedelic work with clients. Learn how to apply IFS to in your preparation, journey, and integration sessions to bring maximum impact and safety to the work.
This course is for those who are already facilitating psychedelic journeys, facilitating preparation and integration, or have been trained in PAT and planning to offer services. We welcome both above and underground facilitators, who were trained officially as well as by apprenticeship. This course is for those not-yet trained in IFS or who want a refresher to apply to PAT.
Taught in intimate groups, space is limited to 8-10 seats. These courses fill fast!
This is a highly experiential course along with educational didactics in small group cohorts: dyad practice groups, IFS session demos, reflections, Q&A, resources, community building, and access to my Advanced IFS for Psychedelic Facilitators Course.
Participants are highly encouraged to volunteer for the demos (a 60-minute IFS session) to embody how the IFS model feels, to learn about your own parts, and to take this with you in your work with clients. There will be one demo on each course day. Past participants have reported demos to be the most valuable component of the course.
Our Learning Objectives
- Identify the four goals of IFS
- Apply basics of IFS in your psychedelic services
- Identifying and distinguishing your Self from your parts (and those of your clients)
- Speak for rather than from your parts and learn why this is important
Module 1 is all IFS and no psychedelics (i.e., 100% IFS);
Modules 2 and 3 are heavily IFS with some psychedelics (i.e., about 50-60% IFS);
Module 4 is all psychedelics with IFS focus and a time for sharing challenging situations and reframing with an IFS lens (i.e., 90% PAT).
Student Testimonials:
This should be adopted and taught in all Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy programs for harm reduction. – Dr. Barbara Karlsen, CA
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I can start using this material with my clients right away because I feel confident about working with protectors and helping clients get to know their parts. – Anonymous
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It will definitely help me improve my prep and integration skills as a PAT, an area that I feel I need more growth in. Surprisingly, I’m taking some of the concepts (esp. polarization) and thinking about how to use them to improve my couple therapy practice! – Ben Trelease
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IFS for Psychedelic facilitators is an excellent course that provides enough knowledge about the IFS model to begin working with it immediately after the course. The way Michelle teaches helped me retain the information, have deep experiences with my parts, and feel confident to use this model in my personal life and in my work. – C.A.
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The depth and breadth of this course led not only to an increased understanding of the application of the IFS model to Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy but also led to a powerful inner transformation which paralleled, if not exceeded, any journey I’ve been on to date. The way Michelle organized and presented the material made seemingly complex concepts easily understood. The experiential portions of the program brought the concepts to life in a profound way which impacted my entire system deeply. The container Michelle created by being in Self energy throughout the entirety of our time together demonstrated clearly why anyone doing this work must be dedicated to creating true inner harmony in their own systems. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have learned from Michelle and to have connected to the community she attracted with this offering and her presence. – Megan Norris
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I know it will make me a more attuned facilitator. I also know exactly how I’m going to start my next session. – Brooke B.
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I enrolled due to my friend recommending Michelle so highly and my interest in gaining more working knowledge of IFS. The didactic portions were succinct and clear and were punctuated by meaningful dyad work and demonstrations. Michelle is a sophisticated instructor who can compassionately hold space for both learning and healing concurrently. It was a wonderful investment in myself as a clinician and as a person. – Marissa Tunis, Psy.D.
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Excellent – I gained a lot of information and insight in a short amount of time! – Anonymous
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Michelle modeled how to hold a powerful safe container and to weave exiled parts with Self. – Anonymous
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Excellent training! Michelle is super knowledgeable and the personal stories of her work in IFS were so helpful. The training felt highly professional, and the pace was just right. I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this course with Michelle, she was incredible, and I was in awe of her expertise. From a learning standpoint, she is an incredibly skilled trainer. IFS can seem challenging, but she makes it easy to grasp and I am walking away with the foundational knowledge. – A. C.
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Michelle clearly presented the material during the didactics and her PowerPoints were beyond amazing! She was available and Self-led. Her demos were beautiful and really helped calm down my parts of feeling like we should be going through the unburdening in each session. I learned ways to weave IFS into every phase of the medicine work – preparation, journey, integration. This was immensely helpful as there is such synergy between the IFS and the PAP models. Michelle shared and demonstrated the Model in such a clear way. I feel so much more confident using IFS with my clients both in and out of the medicine space. – J. A.
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To register for this course, please visit the Store page. To express interest in future courses, please contact Michelle via the contact form noting the course title.